Day: 25 April 2016

  • The Woodland Idyll In Art And Illustration

    Pookie (1946) was my mother’s favourite series of picturebooks when she was very young, and she has a hardback copy held together with yellowed sticky tape. This one before me is a much later version, which has come out since in soft cover. I wonder if fairies will make a true comeback. The illustrations in […]

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  • Menstruation In Fiction

    Menstruation In Fiction

    Menstruation is depicted rarely in fiction. Perhaps you are rattling off half a dozen stories which feature menstruation right now, hoping to prove me wrong. But when you consider the impact of menstruation on lives, and how frequently it occurs, menstruation is heavily underrepresented across storytelling. We need more of it. People going through female […]

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  • Kitchens As Metonyms For Familial Happiness In Literature

    Kitchens As Metonyms For Familial Happiness In Literature

    A warm, safe, lighted place.Hepzobah’s kitchen was always like that, and not only that evening. Coming I to it was like coming home on a bitter cold day to a bright, leaping fire. It was like the smell of bacon when you were hungry, loving arms when you were lonely; safety when you were scared…. […]

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